Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pencil chewers, Duos, Trios and Austin Entities in action :-p

Just thought I would show off my collections of roommates/best friends/couples etc I captured slyly over the past 5 months of action in Austin....Vetti is me, I know ;-)

>> Kaarthic(MK) in action......Tasting pencil,of course...accompanying him is Suresh Talore...another rather famous Avalonite (Avaloner? Avalonian?)...

<< Image 2...The deadly trio of MK, Anand (Madurai Veeran), and Arvind (Chella) ...Anand is upto his usual histrionics, roaring around, making noise ;-)..He has a strange fascination for velakennai, btw ( future brides beware :-))

>> Image 3: Sarath and Arun....This comedy pair was also part of the refugee camp at Avalon 211 around end of May 2006...these two switch between brief fights and gelling together on road trips. Currently roommates-at-large somewhere at the Raleigh...

<< Image4... Krishnan and Tinny(Amit)...were the guys I used to go to Intern with...
They are quite a fun duo...
Tinny, like any hard-working IT specialist, loves to sleep when given the chance(Image 5 )....>>>

>>Sumeet and Keerti,(Image 6) are on the other hand, made for each other, though are quite non-gay...Sumeet loves to cook and also to raid filled refrigerators(see Image 7 below) and Keerti loves to contemplate the meaning of life, when he finds time away from jogging around or doing compilers assignment... I should'nt crib about them too much they have put up with a lot of my antics of late :-)

>>(Images 8 and 9) Any blog entry on Austin entities would be incomplete without our dude Srivatsan, the oft misunderstood, misquoted, but much loved stud of Austin. Herein, I present two rather contrasting sides of Srivatsan...the pic on right shows him reading his gospel (Sundaraghandam) and on the left, he's deep-frying some good old fashioned ground-nuts... Being his roommate has been quite a roller-coaster ride.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where's the party tonight?

My recent 'break a leg' incident left me literally identifying myself with the 'differentially enabled', and yearning for days to rush by so that I could walk normally again!

Look for the long compression-stalkings on the guy on the left...Sumeet Rao cannot contain his laughter for some reason... Btw, this was at Chinmayi's Bday party the other night. Keerti, has a rather funny take on this photo...