Saturday, February 10, 2007

J.S. - B.E.; M.A.;

Yes...Its official.

" Jayesh Seshadri, of the University of Texas at Austin, shall end up with a M.A., courtesy his professional adventurism in attempting the impossible... trying to get a thesis done as part of his Master's. "

( And yes, its spelt Master's and not Masters you dope... And don't hate me for my punctilliousness :-))

Its remarkable that from a Bachelor of Engineering, in an Engineering school, I end up getting an (aaargh!) Arts degree from the College of Natural Sciences.

Personally I have nothing against the Natural Sciences bit, but getting an Arts degree, as Patton put it, is simply, a bridge too far.

My friends ( the 'Scientists' amongst us ) jokingly allude to the ludicrity with which it shall be viewed in my (possible, probably improbable) marriage invitations ( another bridge; perhaps too far! ).

p.s. No offence - I have nothing against Art-'ists' , but just my upbringing in a developing world, where traditionally the lowest ten percent end up going to schools of arts puts me in a weird mood... I understand completely that this could be read as bigotry, prejudice, etc...But I shall whole heartedly disclaim any version of this attributed to me in the future...I'll just claim this is a consequence of a MySpace attack ;-)