Friday, November 18, 2005

Please stop for the love of god!

If the periodicity of my blogs is something to go by, you must know how much time I have on my hands...

As I have just discovered, not doing anything is a blissful state one should aspire to reach....for one, I don't have to bother about achieving anything, nor do I have to deal with this constant swell of information that pulls me in....Drowning in large workloads is nothing new pour moi, but hey! this is as a near-death-experience as any that I have ever seen! Somebody should banish the scourge of studying computer algorithms, and as much as I hate saying this, I would not miss it one bit once this semester's toast! (Ah well, all's well that end's well I guess... I managed to eek out an RA from my prof for next semester, so that I don't have to be so parsimonious next semester!)

Algorithmic nightmares apart, life's going as it was when I got here, the big bad US of A, has not been too bad seriously...its nice to see water not stagnating around after a heavy downpour, people are pretty nice to each other, and I have not seen people being particularly heterophobic at all...I guess I have'nt been to the no-go areas in Austin yet( I hear the eastern portion of the town is quite rough). I have'nt seen too many policemen around, and believe it or not, that actually gives me a sense of security. Living right next to campus is one big advantage I guess, the decision I made to live so close, regardless of it not being on any of the main campus shuttle bus routes ( pronounced here as r'auts, not like the way we pronounce roots!), has not been a bad one, in retrospect, and dabbling in study now-and-then by traversing the roads to the university is easy enough on weekends. Campus Police ( they have a UTPD here!) are always on the beat, and the university as such rocks, and give rides back home if it gets dark!

Austin's a pretty scenic place ( Round Rock's supposed to be awesome, but have'nt been there yet), I've been to many places around the town, mostly during the first few weeks of the semester (I confess that I have'nt taken the time to look the place up more; as a consequence have not been to 6th street for a non-official purpose...a'int I mad??) One thing one notices about Austin is the copius presence of 'lover's spots' the summer, you can take a stroll through any park and notice arbit giggling and leaves crunching around behind bushes (remind's me a long forgotten incident in Ooty sometime back; alas promised someone that I can't utter it again... may be in one of my future blogs...). But I miss the warmth of Chennai...for someone who was almost forever in Chennai, the instant change in weather that one gets when the weather hits 'Winter' went to 1 degree C yesterday...Srivatsan made an entrance right at 5:30 am, pretty much a snowman ( Srivatsan's my roomie, for those in the dark).

My thoughts wander, and its tough to focus these days...Confused , I am, and since Home's where the heart is, I am currently homeless...(sigh!)

Keep warm, makkal!

Message to self: Will blog more, will blog for less sensible things.

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