Sunday, March 05, 2006

Of Coffee Drips, Late Nights, Research Papers, and Testicular Fortitude


PhD Comics is so the gospel....especially when it comes to grad school...Coffee drips do keepeth one awake! If you have'nt read it by now, I suggest you start reading 'em or drowning yourself!

And why I am resorting to masochistic self-deparavation of sleep? To 'put' a paper , thats why....Readers from the glorious heydays of SVCE would remember the ease with which paper were 'put', His Vettiness' help notwithstanding! I am realizing how much painstaking work goes behind writing a real paper for starts, one in which, the topic is not arbitrarily picked, and actually makes sense...

I even had to scribble on the whiteboard-common to get the facts straight! Thats so unlike me...I hate writing things down...

Amidst desires of AOE-ing away the weekend, most of the weekend flew past me with polka-dotted dreams of racquet sports disrupting consummate illusions of happiness.When that bubble had burst, I managed to learn one more of life's polymorphic forms:

Life's a constraint satisfaction problem!!

{grin: I could just imagine Viswas MS' happiness on reading this ;-))

How I wish that I had not whiled away my weekend, enforcing the constraints of project due-dates and assignment submissions and my research(gasp!) work, one could say, I am very well caught betwixt and between! An old friend, Sai Siddharth (a.k.a. Diamond Babu, as his illustrious PS Senior classmates call him), dropped by Austin, and lo and behold - the weekend hath passeth! { forgive my poor lizzy English...I shall better imitate Chaucer, perhaps at a later moment... }.

Learning of a new savvy way of torturing the donuts out of the typical male from "Madurai Veeran" Anand (CEO of Lungspace, Mindspace ) , I pondered the consequence of implementing the same on a few choice people(read: roommates)...

Btw, I hope to have my trusted Compaq laptop with me in a couple of days...Blogging would be so much more convenient and colorful with that, I guess...

I shall not further stretch the constraints. Escaaaape.


1 comment:

Preethi Mahalingam said...

lol ...'HIS vettiness's help' eh!! how aptly said!