Sunday, June 11, 2006

Interning to glory!


Being an intern at National Instruments is certainly quite a lot different from what I imagined it would be.... I have pretty much a free hand in deciding the course of my project, and I am being challenged to the limits of (my very limited) knowledge and programming skills...Scarcely would I have imagined that I would have so little to do with electronics at NI....

That said and done, internships are supposed to be fun, and I end up having so much time on hand at the end of the day and on weekends, that I find myself questioning myself as to why I have this much time on hand....Scarcely over the past 5 years have I felt so little weight on the top of my mind, ( could be because my brain has gone to the dogs...but who knows...)...Its actually fun to be in an internship which limits you -- quite strictly- to 40 hours per week, and gives you plenty of relaxation time...

I now know why people who work find it so difficult to come back to academia or to study in specific....its simply awesome to be feel so liberated, and voluntarily going back to the shackles of student, let alone the poverty-stricken graduate student, life is going to be soooo difficult!
This duality, of being an corporate employee and a grad student has its perks though...I get to watch all the FIFA World Cup matches in the relative comfort of my Grad Lounge, as opposed to being forced to run to the nearest pub/bar, as my work colleagues have to do.. (You guessed right...My department's loaded...)

I can't wait for next summer! Who knows where I will be then!!

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