Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Nomad's life

Aargh....damn these pesky bedbugs....Unfortunately, I have recently found out that bedbugs can exist without there being any beds too...On the stubborn refusal of my roommate to throw away his bed-linen, we have ended up with a rather sticky problem...I am unable to stay home past 10p.m. thanks to these nocturnal pests squiggling around to suck my roommate, however sees nothing wrong in "giving" away some of his blood...

As a consequence, I have been restricted to a nomad's life...roaming from location to location in seek of shelter. Lucky am I, to have some friends....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you read about what needs to be done to eradicate them? It is really important to let your landlord know so they can treat your apartment (as well as any adjacent ones -- even if they dont have the bugs) so that they dont spread!

They can travel on clothing and luggage so please be sure you are not transporting them inadvertently to your friends. there is a comprehensive wikipedia entry on them.

Its vital to treat the situation thoroughly as early as possible and vital that you let your landlord exterminate. They just don't vanish on their own and can live in walls for 18 months without food.

Please help prevent them from spreading to others. They totally suck and I wouldnt wish them upon my worst enemy.