Saturday, January 05, 2008

Big Bang Theory

I have become a big fan of this new series being aired on CBS.

The story revolves around two uber-nerd roommates [Leonard, Sheldon ]living across the hallway from a dumb blonde girl [Penny]. One of the roommates falls for the girl, whereas the other admonishes each of his efforts at wooing her as "statistically improbable".

Most of the dialogue is rather astutely worded, and quite hilarious, with the techy repartees all through slick with greased humor. Other characters include two other geeks [Howard, Rajesh] and a smarter-than-thou cool super-promiscuous female [Leslie].

Leslie is Leonard's lab mate, and secondary love interest. Leslie, Leonard, Howard, Rajesh and Sheldon, all hold PhDs in Physics.

Sheldon's famous board:

Sheldon: Someone touched my board....My equations!
[yells out] Leonard! Someone's tampered with my equations!!
Leonard: [waking up, dazed] Uh, what? Looks like that fixed the problem you were having.
Sheldon: Are you insane? Are you out of your mind? Oh! Hey! Look, that fixes the problem I was having!
Leslie: [walking in] You are welcome.
Sheldon: You did this?
Leslie: Yeah...I fixed it when I got up to get a glass of water. Well, now you can show that Quarks are asymptotically free at high energies. Pretty cool, huh?
Sheldon: Cool?! Cool? Who told you that you can touch my board?
Leslie: No one.
Sheldon: You don't see me coming to your house and touching your board.
Leslie: There are no incorrect equations on my board.
Sheldon: That is
Leslie: I gotta run. If you come up with an adjective, text me. [leaves]
Sheldon: Inconsiderate....thats the adjective...Inconsiderate. [texts Leslie]

You can see the above episode at
[Episode 1x4]


The Halloween Party:

Raj goes as Thor, the almost-Indian, Norse god of thunder, Leonard goes as Frodo, the little dwarf [as he is addressed at the party], Penny as a cat, Howard goes as a very Peter-Panesque Robin hood. Sheldon goes, one should have guessed, as the Doppler Effect!

Leonard's been wooing Penny for six episodes now. Leonard runs out of Penny's Halloween party mad over her ex-boyfriend's presence. Penny comes over to Leonard's to apologize, when Penny suddenly kisses him.

Leonard: Are you sure you are not doing this just because of all the alcohol you just had?
Penny: You might be right. Leonard, you are so smart.[Penny pulls away from Leonard]
Leonard: [sarcastic] Yeah, I am a friggin' genius.
Penny: Why can't all guys be like you?
Leonard: If everyone were like me the human race wouldn't be able to survive.


The show's on hiatus now, thanks to the writers' strike. Dozens of shows have been affected since mid-November, with no end in sight. News is that CBS plans to continue Big Bang Theory next season, in case the strike doesn't end this before summer begins.

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