Friday, January 13, 2006

Chinese??? Yechchch......

(Back after a long long vacation, this part-time blogger returns to his pseudonative Austin, Texas. )

Singaara Austin....I feel as if I have lived here forever....its soooo peaceful, calm and quiet... a portion of me already feels so comfy here that it does'nt want me to return to Chennai... After my travails, such as getting drunk with gingerale in Orlando, getting chased by mad dogs in Chantilly, hunting down metro stations in downtown Washington D.C. and hatching eggs sitting at home in Melbourne, I am getting back to the grind, of yet another long semester. And I am still searching for the light at the other end of the tunnel... My return day began with me running around to pay internet and electricity bills, followed by dropping off a check at the bank, and crisscrossing UT to meet an acquiantence who had flown over from Boulder... Living independently sucks eh?

I think most things here are stigmatized....people generally follow the trodden path...despite this being the land of opportunities as some old dude once said...I find most of my brethren from India speaketh still as Indians, we call the people of this country , foreigners! A guy once approached me about joining a sales enterprise, with commission bonuses and increased commission for adding other people into the network and so on....with claims of making a lot ( I am talking thousands a year)...I would have probably given it a shot, were I here long enough...but as my 'Indian' sensibilities prevailed, I decided to 'let it pass'... Thats one thing I feel we don't do enough....we don't entrepreneurship here at all! We like our own petty lives, no grandoise in day out...Aren't we all stuck, then? Sans inspiration??

And here I am, supposed to be RA-ing for a professor, with all the comforts a graduate life ( work, work and more work!)....The drastic escalation from zero work to the oft-to-be-eschewed totally busy workday has left me in a dizzy...the sudden return to 6am naps and the waking up at 12 noon to go to work has left my brain in a weird dull semi-comatose state, from which I desperately want it to awaken. But do I really want to jump out of this perhaps self-induced moratoriam from anything social, anything involving people?? Why do I feel this feeling of emptiness, as if I were just a shell? I have never tried anything 'weird'(American?!)...People say I have what everyone at my age desires here , but is that what I desire ? How do I know ?

Perhaps this is the alcohol talking from the new-year's bash I went... considering that it was a meagre 12 days ago, and I have never tasted champagne before....Or it could be all the C++ and TclTk/OTcl coding thats talking.... Thats quite a possibility!

Have a blast in 2006...


Whoever invented chinese food ? Oh right, the Chinese I guess!
Thaangala ( as the tamil word goes)! I can't stand it...ever...

Soy& vinegar shld be banned. Not that I like thai or any other indo-chinese food any better...Pukes me up all the time.

1 comment:

Koushik said...

remind yourself that you are leading the life which my friends are dreaming about.. that should give some sort of a weird comfort(Doesnt it?? ;) )