Monday, April 30, 2007

Keerti's bday

Amidst all the post H1-B trauma, we managed to do some stuff for Keerti's birthday, friday and saturday nights. Yes, its the first time I went to more than one 'party' for a birthday.

The first one just had the usual butt-kicking and cake...the second one had a huge assortment of junta from the CS could have called it the good ol' motley crew....

For the first time , I was at a party with people from Pakistan, Mexico and Burma...not exactly 'international' , but its a big leap forward from the usual hum-ho stuff. Sumeet actually got some champagne, to celebrate the silver jubilee of Keerti's existence as an individual...

I on the other hand, am much younger, and never fail to remind elderly people (>=25yrs) of that fact ;-)

And yeah, listen to the awesome OST "I'm Shipping up to Boston" by Dropkick Murphys, from 'The Departed'...(this btw plays on top of this page, if you havent disabled plugins @!#!@$$!! ).

You can also listen to it on imeem

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A ruse for sloth

One of my undergrad friends described this as the hedonist phase...where all the body seeks is overweighed by the need for the mind to cocoon itself in a shroud of sloth...Maybe a sea-change is in the offing, but who knows, what this leads to.

I have gone to the brink of total lethargy. All the vibrant energy I associated with myself, has been diminishing over the past month. Is this, as someone put it, the 'dog days' of graduation, where one goes panting to the finish line, out of breath, out of space and and out of one's mind?

I still somehow get assignments in on time, but do nothing else at all. No sports whatsoever. No social interaction.

Like Sourabh puts it, I am no longer 16... Alas, age does catch up, I guess...but this seems almost scary...It sure ain't depression...just something weird.

T'is described as 'la vie'...the ups go with the downs, but why ought there be downs at all? And is this a down at all? I suddenly prefer waking up at 1pm, barely missing my 930a Probability class all the time (The downer's that the mid-term's in a week, and desires my presence). Perhaps, I need a thesis has been rather smooth, with just ALL the writing left to be done in about 20 days ( no biggie ).

The interiors of my living room's all I have seen in about 24 hours...with the only break to go get some milk, coz I ran out of it.

Some shit, huh ?