Monday, April 30, 2007

Keerti's bday

Amidst all the post H1-B trauma, we managed to do some stuff for Keerti's birthday, friday and saturday nights. Yes, its the first time I went to more than one 'party' for a birthday.

The first one just had the usual butt-kicking and cake...the second one had a huge assortment of junta from the CS could have called it the good ol' motley crew....

For the first time , I was at a party with people from Pakistan, Mexico and Burma...not exactly 'international' , but its a big leap forward from the usual hum-ho stuff. Sumeet actually got some champagne, to celebrate the silver jubilee of Keerti's existence as an individual...

I on the other hand, am much younger, and never fail to remind elderly people (>=25yrs) of that fact ;-)

And yeah, listen to the awesome OST "I'm Shipping up to Boston" by Dropkick Murphys, from 'The Departed'...(this btw plays on top of this page, if you havent disabled plugins @!#!@$$!! ).

You can also listen to it on imeem

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