Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Break a leg, por favor...

Well, yeah, its been a long hiatus from writing in life's shifted into a different gear with work and stuff...I live in California now....need to work only about 10 hours a day ( a great drop from the heydays of graduate school )... I own a car, live by myself in a fancy little studio in a posh area, can actually afford to buy random electronic junk...Random sleep times, random lifestyle, and even more random friends, all ensconced in a happy secluded life living alone....ah!

Like all good things, all that blissful randomness came to screeching halt during a rather tumultuous [past] two months.... a rather weird accident to fracture the fibula on my left leg into two rather uncool pieces...Living alone then proved to be an arduous mental and physical task... with concerned parents calling all the time to make sure I was fine, and me having to limp around to do everything from throwing trash to driving myself to work [ oh, by the way, my claim to fame has changed to the rather insane masochistic act of driving yourself to the hospital with a broken leg... autographs available on Plaster of Paris material only].

I promised myself I would not let myself fall to gloom due to the pain, and did everything from climb stairs without crutches three days after the accident, go to a birthday party, watch about a dozen movies, jaywalk across an expressway, get five strikes bowling with a single shoe, lift foosball tables, survived an earthquake, play table tennis...I probably did more stuff than when I had two full legs to walk on!

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